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How to upgrade Cakephp 3 to Cakephp 4.x

How to upgrade Cakephp 3 to Cakephp 4.x

So Cakephp 4 is released and now cakephp did major changes is that :

1. Now cakephp using more typehinting and strict mode.
2. cakephp replaced .ctp file extension with .php so now all tempalates files have .php extension .
3. Now templates folder moved from src to root folder.
4. Some functions are now deprecarted that you can check on its official website .

Now today we learn how to upgrade Cakephp version to latest version. So keep follow below steps:-

1) Open terminal and go to the root directory folder

2) Then run below command to install upgrade tool
   git clone git://

3) Now above command will create upgrade folder in your root directory so change drive by using below command

cd upgrade

4. Now we need to install new files of cake 4 so run below command:
git checkout 4.x

5. Now run below command
composer install --no-dev

Ok so now we have all new updated file so now we need to change our old templates files extension to php also move folder to root, so for that we will run below commands in upgrade directory

Rename locale files
bin/cake upgrade file_rename locales ../

Rename template files
bin/cake upgrade file_rename templates ../

Above two command will make changes in your current project according to new cake version, then you need to change you update App.paths.locales and App.paths.templates paths to be correct.Then proceed to next step.

Now we need to run rector command so it can fix deprecated functions

bin/cake upgrade rector --rules phpunit80 ../tests

bin/cake upgrade rector --rules cakephp40 ../src

Now we need to upgrade all cakephp dependencies, so for that please run below commands:
composer require --update-with-dependencies "phpunit/phpunit:^8.0"

composer require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:4.0.*"

Note if your composer not installed globally then above command will show error so please run below command
php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "phpunit/phpunit:^8.0"

php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:4.0.*"

Ok so if you run all commands successfully then now you can run frontend and you can see now your cakephp version is updated to cakephp 4

Thanks for the reading. :)

Related Links

Install cakephp 4

Upgrade Cakephp to latest version

Update cakephp version in linux/windows

Upgrade cakephp 4 thorugh terminal/cmd

How to upgrade cakephp 3 to cakephp 4 with commands


  1. Can you show how to migrate from cakephp 2.10.5 to cakephp 4? It will be really helpful

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  6. It was a nice article. could you please show how to upgrade Cakephp 2.x-> CakePhP 3.x.
    It would be appreciated.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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