How to Install Cakephp 3 and above on localhost
you must have xampp installed on your local machine.
Install cakephp 3 and above version on localhost in just 5 steps
Step 1 -- download the letest version cakephp 3 file zip from here
Step 2 - Unzip this file into
(xampp/htdocs/newcake) //newcake is your new folder name
Step 3 - Create a database into mysql
locate to the localhost/phpmyadmin
and create a new database with name like (ex - newcake)
Step 4 - Now go to local disk c:/xampp/htdocs/newcake/config/app.php
Step 5 - then go to 228 line and change username password and dbname
ex - 'username' => 'root', //username is always root for localhost
'password' => '', //password is always blank for localhost
'database' => 'newcake',
Now open your broswer and navigate to localhost/newcake and you see the default page of cakephp application .so these steps simplyfy how to install cakephp 3.2 on localhost without composer
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