How to Include custom post meta in WordPress search
How to extend search in WORDPRESS
we have three ways to perform this task :-
Solution 1 (This Worked For Me)
function custom_search_where($pieces) {
// filter to select search query
if (is_search() && !is_admin()) {
global $wpdb;
$custom_fields = array('price','manufacturer');
$keywords = explode(' ', get_query_var('s'));
$query = "";
foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
foreach ($keywords as $word) {
$query .= "((mypm1.meta_key = '".$field."')";
$query .= " AND (mypm1.meta_value LIKE '%{$word}%')) OR ";
if (!empty($query)) {
// add to where clause
$pieces['where'] = str_replace("((({$wpdb->posts}.post_title LIKE '%", "( {$query} (({$wpdb->posts}.post_title LIKE '%", $pieces['where']);
$pieces['join'] = $pieces['join'] . " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS mypm1 ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = mypm1.post_id)";
$pieces[‘groupby’] = "{$wpdb->posts}.I";
return ($pieces);
add_filter('posts_clauses', 'custom_search_where', 20, 1);
Solution 2
function search_filter($query) {
if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
if ($query->is_search) {
$meta_args = array(
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => 'manufacturer',
'value' => $s,
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => 'price',
'value' => $s,
'compare' => 'LIKE',
$query->set('post_type', 'product');
$query->set('meta_query', $meta_args);
Solution 3
function my_smart_search( $search, &$wp_query ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( empty( $search ))
return $search;
$terms = $wp_query->query_vars[ 's' ];
$exploded = explode( ' ', $terms );
if( $exploded === FALSE || count( $exploded ) == 0 )
$exploded = array( 0 => $terms );
$search = '';
foreach( $exploded as $tag ) {
$search .= " AND (
(wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%$tag%')
OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE '%$tag%')
SELECT * FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_post_ID = wp_posts.ID
AND comment_content LIKE '%$tag%'
SELECT * FROM wp_terms
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy
ON wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships
ON wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE taxonomy = 'post_tag'
AND object_id = wp_posts.ID
AND LIKE '%$tag%'
return $search;
add_filter( 'posts_search', 'my_smart_search', 500, 2 );
and if your search results comes multiple times then you must read this How to get distinct search results in WORDPRESS
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