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Showing posts from September, 2024

Shopify show related product with count validation and meta value

  Go to theme and add custom liquid block where you want to show related products and also mention meta field value that you want to show instead of product title {% assign related_products = product.metafields.custom.related_products.value %} {% if related_products and related_products != blank %} <div class="related-products">   <h3>Related Products</h3>   <div class="related-products-list">     {% for recommended in related_products %}     <div class="related-product">       <a href="{{ recommended.url }}" class="related-product-link">         <div class="related-product-image">           {% if recommended.featured_image %}             <img src="{{ recommended.featured_image.src | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ recommended.title }}">           {% else %}             <img src="{{ 'no-image.png' | asset_url }}" alt="No image a