Go to theme and add custom liquid block where you want to show related products and also mention meta field value that you want to show instead of product title {% assign related_products = product.metafields.custom.related_products.value %} {% if related_products and related_products != blank %} <div class="related-products"> <h3>Related Products</h3> <div class="related-products-list"> {% for recommended in related_products %} <div class="related-product"> <a href="{{ recommended.url }}" class="related-product-link"> <div class="related-product-image"> {% if recommended.featured_image %} <img src="{{ recommended.featured_image.src | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ recommended.title }}"> ...
How to Integrate firebase database with laravel and save functionality In this tutorial, we will use default firebase database so first login to google console and go to project settings -> service account adn click on generate new private key and download it and put it in root folder of laravel app 1) Install Google Cloud Firestore via Composer: composer require google/cloud-firestore 2) Add Firebase Credentials to .env file: Ensure you have added the following in your .env file: FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS=./firebase_credentials.json FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=mydb 3) Create a Firestore Service Provider: You need to create a service provider to configure Firestore in your Laravel app. Run the following command to generate a service provider: php artisan make:provider FirestoreServiceProvider 4) Configure Firestore in the Service Provider: Open the newly created FirestoreServiceProvider.php file and configure Firestore: <?php namespace App\Providers; use Google\Cloud\Firestore\Fi...